Our driving force is a desire to "improve public health and the living environment."
We are expanding our SDG promotion system from MIDAC to our local communities via the MIDAC SDG Support Squad.
In order to increase our corporate value over the long term, the MIDAC Group has built a new system for promoting the SDGs with the participation of all of our employees. We have created and are operating this system to raise individual awareness about the SDGs, such as through the MIDAC Sustainable Life Points (MSLP) system, which provides incentives for actions that lead to the SDGs, and through the Volunteer Leave System, which supports employee participation in a variety of social contribution activities.
Furthermore, as a new initiative, in September 2021 we launched the MIDAC SDG Support Squad system in order to contribute to the promotion of SDG activities in the region, even if only in a small way. Local residents, customers, and shareholders, etc., who support this system are called MIDAC SDG Support Squad members, and the MSLP system also applies to them. We will expand our SDG activities not only within our company, but also within our local community, and will contribute to the formation of a sustainable society.
In April 2022, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which aims to take a cross-sectional and flexible approach to issues surrounding sustainability, including consideration of climate change and other global environmental issues, respect for human rights, fair and appropriate treatment of employees and their health and working environment, fair and appropriate transactions, and risk management for natural disasters and other incidents.
Contribute to local communities as an essential worker responsible for social infrastructure.
As an initiative to contribute to local communities, we signed a Comprehensive Partnership Agreement with Urugi Village in the Shimoina-gun of Nagano Prefecture in July 2021 to work together to promote the SDGs. This was our first comprehensive partnership with a local government.
Urugi Village is working to create a sustainable village by utilizing its rich natural environment to create an exchange population and to promote immigration and settlement. We would like to contribute to the development of the region by supporting nature conservation activities and environmental education through mutual exchanges, and by providing human resources support. In March 2022, we concluded an agreement with Urugi Village to cooperate in the procurement of personnel, vehicles, materials, and equipment, as well as in the disposal of disaster waste in the event of a large-scale disaster.
Furthermore, as part of our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in case of a pandemic or other disaster, in July 2021, we concluded an "Agreement on Mutual Support for General Waste Collection and Transport Drivers in the Event of a Pandemic or Other Disaster" with Sankyo Co., Ltd., a waste disposal company also based in Hamamatsu City. As an essential worker protecting the local living environment, we will contribute to the local community by continuing stable collection and transportation operations at all times.
We have taken on new challenges for sustainable growth without forgetting our history
For the MIDAC Group, our 70th anniversary is only a stopping point on our journey. From here, we will take another big step toward a new stage for the next 10 years, 20 years, and even for our 100th anniversary.
However, just blindly rushing forward will take us in the wrong direction and lead to mistaken judgements. In order to continue to sustainably grow in the future, we must never forget how our founder started the company and how MIDAC's foundations were built. In order to move onto our next stage with all of our strength, we need all MIDAC Group employees to look back on the progress that we have made so far.
The driving force that has kept us in business for 70 years is our desire to improve public health and the living environment. This spirit, which inspired our founder to start a waste handling business, has been passed down to our current employees as "MIDAC-ism.” Today, there is worldwide demand for the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and I believe that the creation of a recycling-oriented society is equal to the pursuit of sustainability in the waste treatment business and to the development and improvement of the industry. I believe that the MIDAC Group will always be determined to lead the waste treatment industry and to contribute to the development of the industry and the creation of a recycling-oriented society.
As an essential worker that is indispensable to people's lives, our raison d'etre and mission is, now more than ever, to demonstrate our true value for waste disposal that will continue into the future. In order to fulfill our mission and achieve our management philosophy, all MIDAC Group employees will continue to work together to enhance our corporate value.
We ask for your continued support and encouragement so that we can continue to fulfill the great missions and responsibilities that have been entrusted to us.
President & Representative Director Keiko Kato