- Sustainability
- Governance
- Risk Management/BCP
Risk Management/BCP
Risk Management
We have established the Safety Control Room as the department in charge of our risk management system, and the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President & Representative Director and with key Group executives as members. This group meets at least once every three months to examine management risks across our organization, with more specific work being handled in each department.
In addition, from the viewpoint of properly managing health and safety, the Health and Safety Liaison Committee was established, with the Manager of the Business Management Division as the company-wide Health and Safety Manager and with one representative from the Group as a member. The Health and Safety Liaison Committee meets once a month and shares information, initiatives, and results across the Group, and utilizes them in effective health and safety activities.
Furthermore, each department implements initiatives to minimize the risks that exist in their respective operations. For example, by certifying and maintaining their ISO 14001 certifications, each department is addressing the risks in their respective operations.
Risk Management Committee
We have established Risk Management Regulations for a variety of operational risks, including environment, labor, finance, safety, market, and information security risks, and, to manage risks, we have established a cross-functional Risk Management Committee chaired by the President & Representative Director. The Risk Management Committee receives advice from directors, departmental leaders, and depending on the project, external experts, etc., and is positioned as a place to report on company-wide and comprehensive risk management related to the Company's operations and to consider measures to deal with such risks. Each departmental leader, as the individual responsible for risk management in their department, manages the risks in their department's daily business activities.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
In anticipation of natural disasters occurring, since March 2007 the MIDAC Group been formulating its Business Continuity Plan, and in FY2021 we launched a new BCP Project Team and significantly revised the content and procedures of our BCP.
These revisions made the plan more practical and will enable us to promptly initiate business continuity activities in the event of an anticipated disaster.
TOP Message
In the event of a large-scale disaster such as a major earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, or explosion that affects our customers, employees, or other stakeholders, the MIDAC Group will minimize the impact on our customers and business partners and maintain the trust of our customers by quickly restoring business operations with the utmost respect for human life. We have formulated our BCP with the aim of continuing to exist as a company that plays a role in social infrastructure, even in the event of a disaster, not neglecting environmental conservation or public health for local communities, which we address in normal times.
President & Representative Director
Basic BCP Policy
- 1. Provide reassurance to waste-producing businesses about the operations that they have consigned to MIDAC.
- 2. Protect the safety and livelihood of employees and their families.
- 3. Maintain local public health.
- 4. Protect market share through rapid recovery.
Pandemic Response Manual
In 2010, we formulated a pandemic response plan in response to the global pandemic caused by a new strain of influenza in 2009, and in 2021 we formulated pandemic response procedures for COVID-19. The purpose of these procedures is to:
- 1. Protect the safety, health and employment of employees and their families.
- 2. Maintain the trust of customers, business partners and shareholders.
- 3. Maintain public health in the community.
Assuming the spread of infectious viruses such as new strains of influenza or new coronaviruses, we will set infection risk levels in stages and respond to them in light of social conditions.
BCP Activity Report
In the fall of 2007, we signed a mutual support agreement in the event of a disaster between MIDAC Group companies and waste treatment companies in Fukushima Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture. In 2021, the three companies mutually confirmed their agreements and we discussed specific measures for mutual support in the event of a disaster.
In addition to an expected Tokai earthquake along the Nankai Trough, our business area is at risk of river flooding due to typhoons and torrential rains, and large-scale power outages, and as such we will continue to review our BCP as needed and respond promptly in case of an emergency.