About the MIDAC Group
70 Years of History70th since 1952

The MIDAC Group celebrated its 70th anniversary in April 2022.
Since our founding, we have been able to continue our business for 70 years thanks to contributions from local residents, customers, financial institutions, and shareholders, as well as our employees. We want to express our deepest thanks and gratitude to all of you.

The MIDAC Group will continue to respond to the needs of both society and our customers, and, to provide the highest level of satisfaction, we will make Group-wide efforts to remain a trusted and reliable company with "safety and security" as our keywords.

We look forward to your continued support and encouragement for the further development of the MIDAC Group, which works for future water, land and air in order to leave behind a beautiful planet for future generations.



Founder Tadahira Kumagai
Founder Tadahira Kumagai
Our founder, Tadahira Kumagai, was born in 1928 in Sekishi Village, Hamana County, Shizuoka Prefecture, as the eighth of 11 brothers and sisters. After the war, the population of Hamamatsu City gradually increased as the city underwent reconstruction. Along with this reconstruction, large amounts of human waste and garbage were generated. Hamamatsu City's facilities could no longer handle the disposal of these materials, and illegal dumping in the mountains, rivers, and along roadsides became rampant. Tadahira couldn't bear to see this situation and knew that he had to do something, so he quit his job and began collecting and transporting human waste and garbage himself. Since our founding, the MIDAC Group's sincere desire to help people in need has not changed. Although we did not have a written code of conduct when we were founded, we are confident that this spirit has been passed down to the next generation and will continue to live on in our corporate culture.

Transformation/Expansion Stage[1996 to 2003]


Vehicle with the MIDAC logo
The birth of MIDAC CO., LTD.

As KOJIMA SEISO grew as a waste disposal business focusing on industrial waste, the term "cleaning" no longer fit the nature of our business. Additionally, Katsuhiro Kumagai and other executives decided to change the company name because they wanted to change the image of the industry that society takes a poor view of.

In deciding on a new company name, a prize was offered and entries were solicited from within the company, and the directors ultimately chose "MIDAC" from among the many that were submitted. The name was conceived by combining the initial letters of the Japanese words for "Mizu (water)," "Daichi (land) " and "Kuuki (air)," which symbolize the environment. Thus, in July 1996, "MIDAC CO., LTD." was born and our new company name was announced to the outside world via an advertisement in the Shizuoka Shimbun newspaper.


The Fujinomiya Business Office at the time
Opening of the Fujinomiya Business Office

By obtaining permission from local governments in the Kanto and Chubu regions, we sought to expand our business, and, in May 1997, we opened the Fujinomiya Business Office in Yamamiya, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, as a new sales base.

At that location, a solvent recycling manufacturer had fled during the night with 2,000 drums of organic solvents abandoned, and we received a request from the Omotefuji Industrial Park Cooperative Association to deal with the problem. MIDAC agreed to dispose of the abandoned solvents, after which we became a member of the Omotefuji Industrial Park Cooperative Association and opened the Fujinomiya Business Office. After the opening, our sales offices in Numazu City and Yaizu City were consolidated and began functioning as a sales hub for the Kanto Region, and it took over our solvent recycling business, continuing to do so for several years.


The current MIDAC building
Establishment of a new head office building

In August 1997, the year after changing our name to MIDAC, our new head office building was completed. Two years prior to this, in 1995, the head office had been expanded, but over the next few years the number of employees exceeded 70, and office space was once again in short supply. In addition to this, we also needed a specified hazardous waste treatment facility to carry out in-house treatment of chelating harmful substances that give off from cinders, sludge, and dust, which had previously been outsourced to contractors in Nagano and Niigata prefectures.

The new building was constructed as a three-story addition next to our existing two-story and four-story buildings, with the first floor containing the specified hazardous waste treatment facility, the second floor containing offices and an employee rest area, and the third floor containing offices and the analysis center, which was relocated from the existing four-story building.


Establishment of MIDAC FUJINOMIYA CO., LTD.

The Fukude Business Office, which was established in April 1998 with TAKUMA Co., Ltd., a major plant manufacturer, was unable to proceed as planned because it did not have a good relationship with the local government, and the project ran into a deadlock.

In March 2000, MIDAC and TAKUMA teamed up again to build a larger facility than the incineration facility at the Fukude Plant, and established "MIDAC FUJINOMIYA CO., LTD.” as a 50-50 joint venture company with TAKUMA. Then, in September 2001, a basic agreement was signed with TAKUMA regarding joint investment in the business. MIDAC FUJINOMIYA was thus officially born and became a powerful engine for MIDAC's business expansion.


Opening the Toyohashi Business Office

The chelating facility for specified hazardous waste and the sun-drying facility at our head office Business office couldn't keep up with the demand for processing capacity, so in December 2001 we opened the Toyohashi Business office in Higashihosoya-cho, Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture. The new Toyohashi Business Office is equipped with a specified hazardous waste treatment facility with increased treatment capacity. In addition to this, we have also developed our own equipment for crushing drinking water containers after separating the containers from their contents. Taking advantage of this, we undertook the disposal of a large volume of beverage products that were discharged by beverage manufacturers in the Tokai region.

Later, in August 2003, the Toyohashi Business Office was spun off as NIES CO., LTD. in order to diversify management risks.


Tokyo Sales Office employees at the time
Incineration facility at the time
Full-scale entry into the Kanto region

In conjunction with the start of operations at MIDAC FUJINOMIYA, we were planning to make a full-scale entry into the Kanto region. Therefore, in April 2022, the Tokyo Sales Office was opened in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Two sales employees were assigned to the office to promote sales activities.

In December 2002, we finally completed the construction of the incineration facility at MIDAC FUJINOMIYA, which had begun the previous year. Our investment in MIDAC FUJINOMIYA was our biggest venture capital investment to date.Because of this, the return on our investment has also been large, and MIDAC's sales as a whole rapidly grew, reaching approximately ¥2.5 billion yen in 2003, and by this time, we had reached 2,000 customers just for industrial waste alone.

Until now, we had only developed its business independently, but, by succeeding in this new challenge of a joint investment project with TAKUMA, one of Japan's major representative plant manufacturers, MIDAC was able to take a big leap forward and move up to the next stage as a waste disposal company.


MIDAC HOLDINGS CO., LTD. President & Representative DirectorKeiko Kato
President & Representative DirectorKeiko Kato
In contrast to "arterial industries" that create new products such as manufacturing, the waste management industry that we operate in is called a "venous industry," and the majority of companies in this industry are small to medium in size. Therefore, compared to the arterial industries, our industry tends to still be seen as insufficient in terms of profitability and organizational structure.
However, when considered in terms of the human body, if both arteries and veins are not equally healthy, then blood cannot circulate, and people cannot live. In today's world, there is a demand for the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and we recognize that in the economic world both arterial and venous industries must remain equally healthy, and also that raising the level of the waste treatment industry is a way of responding to society's needs. The MIDAC Group is determined to raise the level of the industry by pursuing appropriate waste treatment with the spirit of always leading the industry.
We look forward to your continued support and encouragement for the further development of the MIDAC Group, which works for future water, land and air for coming generations in order to leave behind a beautiful planet, and for the fulfillment of our great mission and the responsibilities that it entails.