We work to create a workplace where each and every employee can work energetically, which will lead to sustainable growth and increased value for the Company.
- Sustainability
- Social
- Relationship with Employees
Relationship with Employees
Work-Life Balance
We provide support so that each employee can fulfill their work responsibilities and feel rewarded while also balancing childcare, nursing care, and community activities.
- Initiative
Details -
- 1. Reduction in overtime work
- 2. Encouraging employees to take annual paid leave
- 3. Introduction of systems to support childcare
- 4. Initiatives to support female employees
- 5. Initiatives to support the development of the next generation
- 6. Initiatives to correct the idea that the workplace should be given priority
Support for Balancing Work and Childcare
At MIDAC we are working to create a work environment that is friendly to employees raising children. On August 21, 2015, the Shizuoka Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare recognized our efforts to support continuous employment for employees in balancing work and family life, and we became the first company in western Shizuoka Prefecture to receive the Platinum Kurumin Certification.*
*Platinum Kurumin certification is given to companies that have received the Kurumin Mark, which recognizes outstanding companies that provide childcare support and that make even higher levels of effort.

Support for Balancing Work and Nursing Care
In 2016, we established a support system for balancing work and nursing care, and opened a helpdesk for nursing care support. In order to make good use of the company's support system and balance work and nursing care, this helpdesk explains the company's systems and provides information about nursing care experts.
STOP!! Harassment
Since 2013, we have established regulations regarding harassment such as sexual harassment and power harassment in the workplace, and have set up a consultation desk. We respect the human rights of each and every person working in the MIDAC Group and strive to prevent harassment.
Review of How Annual Paid Leave is Granted
Due to revisions to the Labor Standards Act in accordance with the Work Style Reforms, starting April 2019 all companies are required to have employees who are granted 10 or more days of annual paid leave per year to take 5 days per year.
The primary goal of this measure is to refresh employees' bodies and minds and enable them to work in a manner that suits their individual circumstances. We will continue aiming to realize a diverse work-life balance that is suited to each employee's circumstances.
Promoting Active Participation by Women
For female employees who have become working adults and are facing various life events, we are working to create an environment that is easy to work in by adjusting the balance between work and home life.
Personnel Evaluation System
In FY2019 we introduced a new personnel system called the Role Grade System. The Role Grade System was built with the aim of creating a personnel system that is suitable for a listed company, with the system providing both explanations and clear career paths. The system not only supports employees' career advancement, but also allows individuals to demonstrate independence and spontaneity while working on their work by setting clear goals. Additionally, we also established a mechanism to address issues such as "equal pay for equal work" for contract employees and the promotion of young employees. We will continue to monitor the system's operational status and make necessary improvements so that we can conduct fair, just, and appropriate personnel evaluations that reward employees for their hard work and increase motivation.
New Education and Training System
We introduced a new education and training system in FY2020. This system consists of common in-house training and department-specific training. The common in-house training is mandatory for all employees of the MIDAC Group and provides rank-specific training so that employees can acquire skills and knowledge according to each of their roles and phases. For common in-house training, employees select 'required,' 'nominated,' and 'optional' training according to their rank, and the system is designed to support each individual's career plan, including through recommended practical qualifications and compulsory training and acquisition of qualifications that are promotion requirements for each rank. On the other hand, department-specific training was created with the aim of establishing and deepening the on-site capabilities (strengths) that are characteristic of the MIDAC Group, the long-term systematic development of human resources specializing in departments, and to provide additional support to employees' specialized careers. Our human resources are essential to our corporate activities, and we will continue to focus on developing them.