Employee safety and health are the foundation of a company's existence, and ensuring safety and health is a company's social responsibility. To this end, the MIDAC Group implements the following:
- Sustainability
- Social
- Relationship with Employees
Relationship with Employees
Basic Policy on Health and Safety
Employee safety and health are the foundation of a company's existence, and ensuring safety and health is a company's social responsibility. To this end, we implement the following:
- 1. We aim for zero work-related accidents, we appropriately operate the PDCA cycle with the participation of all employees in order to eliminate all hazards and harmful factors in workplaces, and we continuously work to improve workplaces.
- 2. We comply with relevant laws and regulations related to safety and health, and we ensure the health and safety of employees based on health and safety regulations established by MIDAC and each workplace.
- 3. We work on continuous health and safety management by appropriately implementing and operating an occupational safety and health management system, and we strive to maintain and improve good performance.
- 4. We disseminate policies, goals, and action plans to all employees through postings, etc.
Health and Safety Committee / Company-Wide Health and Safety Liaison Committee
The MIDAC Group's Health and Safety Committee (based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act) and Company-Wide Health and Safety Liaison Committee (made up of key members of the Group) meet every month to facilitate quick decision-making within the Group.
The Health and Safety Committee and the Company-Wide Health and Safety Liaison Committee share health and safety-related information, initiatives, and results related to safety and health from across the Company, and also examine issues related to safety and health management to prevent occupational accidents, maintain and improve employee health, and realize a comfortable working environment.
To realize a safe working environment, we take measures to prevent recurrence based on the results of accidents and disasters.
Specialized departments regularly patrol the workplace to ensure that employees are not exposed to danger in their work environment, while also confirming working environments and providing guidance.
In addition, we conduct employees' health checkups and monitor health statuses, and consider measures to maintain and promote the health of our employees.
MIDAC Group Health and Safety Organizational Chart
*The Fujinomiya Business Office and the ACT Office, with 10 or more employees and less than 50 employees, appoint Health and Safety advocates.
Health and Safety Activities
We have introduced 4M analysis to strengthen safety measures.
There are 4 "M" factors in disasters and accidents. Specifically, they are Man, Machine, Media, and Management, and, by organizing these factors, potential causes and risks of accidents can be brought to light.
When an accident occurs, we use 4M analysis to determine the cause of the accident. In the event of an accident, not only pursue one factor, but also analyze and verify all of the M factors to prevent recurrences.
Strengthening Disaster and Accident Prevention through Proactive Near-Miss Activities
The MIDAC Group actively engages in "near-miss activities," in which we report, take corrective action, and improve on near-miss activities that occurred during our operations but which did not lead to accidents or disasters. The purpose of these near-miss activities is to prevent major accidents and disasters by reporting the details of the incidents (when, where, and what was about to happen), reviewing the information and likely causes, and by taking corrective actions in advance. In FY2021 there were many near-miss incidents that were related to inadequate safety confirmations. Inadequate safety confirmations are events that can lead to serious accidents, and, based on such situations, we are providing education and guidance on the effectiveness of the occupational safety method of pointing and calling.
Occurrence of Occupational Accidents
10-year trend in occupational accidents
*From 2016, includes subsidiaries